Comparing official and literary discourses оn sino-soviet border crossings of 1962


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Оfficial discourse (soviet and Chinese) interpreted the reasons of ethnic groups exodus
etatist – border defense, L control over population migrations, economic losses and maintenance of
bilateral relations at certain level. Q.Zhumadilov drew the line of affirmation of Kazakhs migration from
China as salvation, but essential ethno-demographic resource for maintenance of ethnic potential of
Kazakhs in soviet Kazakhstan. The official soviet discourse being diplomatic in form, especially, when it
concerned the regulating technicalities with the Chinese officials, was civic in nature. The Soviet Union
interpreted the right to patronize the former Russian/ soviet citizens residing in China through the mission
or responsibility to protect. Although the main motivation was to gain as many loyal to the soviet
regime human force for realization of state building projects within the USSR. The Chinese discourse
was mainly political administrative in form, and legal in nature, as it referred to the right to supervise the
population of the province and prevent intervention of alien forces into it domestic sphere


Как цитировать

Kassymova, D. (2019). Comparing official and literary discourses оn sino-soviet border crossings of 1962. КазҰУ Хабаршысы. Тарих Сериясы, 95(4), 47–56.



Вестник КазНУ: Серия историческая