Соғыс кезіндегі қорғаныс кәсіпорындары қызметкерлеріне үгіт насихат жұмыстары әсер ету құралы ретінде (1941-1945)
A significant role in the formation of labour attitude of Soviet citizens in defence enterprises was played by mass propaganda and agitation, which focused on the illumination of the situation at the fronts and the increase of workers' labour motives and discipline.
Nowadays propaganda and agitation are gradually beginning to find reflection in more works on the history of the home front as a way of reconstructing and interpreting the social history of Soviet society. And while a generalization of the experience of successful propaganda had already received considerable attention in the war years, the research of the efficiency of propaganda and its impact on the labor performance of workers is only becoming possible for historians today, and was due to the partial de-ideologization of historical science and the liberalization of archival policy in general. Over the last decades, foreign researchers' works on this subject predominantly based on Russian material became available. However, the impact of the mobilization mechanism of Soviet propaganda and agitation on the labor motivation of workers in the defense industry of Kazakhstan during the war years was not specifically considered.
Thus, this article presents an attempt to analyze the Soviet propaganda and agitation mobilization mechanism's impact on the labor behavior and discipline of Kazakh defense industry workers during the war years.
The group of sources includes documents extracted from the fonds of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AP RK), the State Archive of Social and Political History of Turkestan Region (GAOPITO), the State Archive of the West Kazakhstan Region (GAZKO), the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) and others.