II Academic Expedition and special studies


  • O. Mukhatova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        99 100


The article presents the II Academic expedition organized in the Kazakh steppe in the years 1768-1774 and its special studies. It defines the purpose and composition expedition. Showing works member of the expedition X. Bardanes, who traveled to the north-eastern Kazakhstan. Determine the content and meaning of his work, «The Kyrgyz chorography.» The author describes the ethnographic description of these Kazakhs-member expedition Johann Gottlieb Georgi. It is affecting his information about rasslenii, abundance, tribal composition of the Kazakhs Younger and Middle zhuzes. Analyzes the collected materials on the recommendation of the Academy of Sciences of Russia in the course of his travels the lands of the Volga, in Astrakhan, Orenburg, Petropavl, Omsk, Semipalatinsk. Determined by Peter Simon Pallas activities of the expedition. The author dwells on a special study, which is based on ethnographic, geographic, toponymic descriptions. It determines the content of the works of Nicholas Pertovich Rychkov of social structure, economy and everyday life of Kazakhs. It describes the history of the emergence of research N.P.Rychkov «Day notes travel in Kyrgyzstan Kaisak steppe-1771».


How to Cite

Mukhatova, O. (2019). II Academic Expedition and special studies. Journal of History, 80(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/675



Journal KazNU: History