The social-economical structure of nomad civilization of Mongol Kazakhs in in the late XIX and early XX centuries


  • Г Қозғамбаева
  • Н. Г. Алпысбаева
        40 20


The article is considered the difficulties of political and socio-economic life of Mongolia Kazakhs in the late XIX – early XX centuries. After accession of Mongolia to the Empire, the Khan’s power was liquidated. Цин administration abolished the traditional institutions of the Kazakh authorities – Khan, sultans, township and village managers, as well as the court of biys. Instead of it, it was done six-speed administrative system. However, we couldn’t say that traditional Kazakh administrative system was disappeared, its elements were preserved to solve internal problems. The article analyzes the researches of social structure of the nomadic Kazakhs. The practice proves that the social structure of the nomadic Kazakh society cannot be studied with the formation of the theory. At past time, social- scientists tried to consider the social life of Kazakhs from the position of «nomadic feudalism», due to the similarity with other medieval societies. As a result, the development of nomadic Kazakhs of Mongolia was considered one-sided, it was shown that the Kazakh economy was lacked specificity.






Journal KazNU: History