Construction of the railway in Kazakhstan in the early ХХ century


  • О. Х. Мұхатова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

        215 132


The article describes the history of the origins of railways in the country of the Great Steppe. Attention is drawn to the relevance of the analysis of past steel roads, which contribute to the development of the economy of an independent state. The problem is considered in the context of the theory of evolutionism, the civilizational approach and the principle of historicism. This methodological approach allows us to disclose various opinions on the construction of the railway, the decisions taken by the relevant hurricanes as alternative conceptual conclusions. Research methods such as precise analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, chronological, retrospective created the opportunity to show the origins of construction, the progress of construction, the positive aspects, the historical significance of the second railway in the province. The place and role of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway in the colonial policy that connected the Turkestan region with the European part of Russia is described. Discussions and proposed directions in the construction of the railroad highway are considered. Views on the effectiveness of choosing the direction of Orenburg-Tashkent or Alexandrov – Gai analyzed. The progress of construction, station, duration, significance for the metropolis is shown.






Journal KazNU: History