Result of archaeological research work, conducted in the ancient settlement of Kultobe in 2023


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Syrdarya, Keles, Kultobe, the town, stratigraphy, topography, fortification


It is known that the history of Keles dates back to the Stone Age. The fact that mankind has lived in this region since the Stone Age is evidenced by the sites, located on the slopes of the Kazygurt mountains. Judging by the numerous settlements, towns and burials found in river valleys with a lot of water, it is clear that the region has become a fertile place for humanity since the Early Iron Age. As a result of archaeological research was revealed that the ancient peoples who lived in the Keles steppe were engaged in agriculture, as well as nomadic cattle breeding, even built cities and formed the first urban culture in the region. In the Middle Ages, the Keles plain became an important center of the Great Silk Road, which connected the settlements of Sairam and Shymkent with the city of Shash and from the city of Shash with the cities of Baiyrkum, Sutkent, Otyrar and Yassy. Thus, the trade and art, agriculture and animal husbandry of the settlements of the Keles plain developed simultaneously and became the basis for the formation of urban culture. In the article, we decided to study, analyze and introduce into scientific circulation the topographic structure of the settlement of Kultobe, the architectural features of residential buildings and the defence system, which has not been fully studied.

The article was prepared on the basis of the scientific project AP19678134 «Carrying out archaeological and interdisciplinary research on the ancient settlement of Kultobe located in the Keles region».


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Section 3 Archeology and Ethnology