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audiovisual sources, images, historical memory, Kazakh SSR, children, personnel, journalists, radio broadcasts, ideology, content, listeners


The purpose of this study was to highlight the content of Kazakh radio broadcasts for children, as an example of professional work on educating the younger generation, from a modern perspective. The research materials were both archival and field sources, opinions of domestic radio journalists, from the funds of the Kazakh Radio in the chronological framework of the stated topic, as well as thematic publications of domestic and foreign scientists. The research methods used are the methods and principles of dialectical logic, the principle of historicism, which allows taking into account the general political situation in the USSR and external factors that made it possible to build a coherent methodology for conducting work. The results of the study: a step-by-step reconstruction of the evolution of the content of Soviet (Kazakh, among others) radio broadcasting intended for a certain age (children and adolescents); identification of the codependency of the all-Union content with the content of the radio airwaves of the Union and autonomous republics; clarification of the structure of Kazradio and human resources, individual biographies of masters of national broadcasting; analysis of critical concepts of foreign researchers, etc. Accordingly, the scope of application of the research results extends to the preparation of lecture courses at universities, the writing of generalizing works on the history of "children's" radio broadcasting in the republic during the Soviet period, recommendations for the diversification of children's radio. The author comes to the conclusion about the importance of the problem of differentiation of media (radio) content in Independent Kazakhstan for the professional promotion of national values among children and youth.


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Section 1 National history