Караванные пути и крупные поселения между средневековыми городами Сыганак и Асанас (по данным новых исследований)
The article is focused on the problem of the caravan route and large settlements located between the cities of Syganak and Asanas. The study area covers the Zhanakorgan, Shieli and Syrdarya districts of the Kyzylorda region. The main database of materials consists of unpublished archival data of the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition (1960) and the works of L.M. Levina, N.N. Vakturskaya,
- Zholdasbaeva, K.M. Baypakov, M. Eleuov and the work of other scientists. According to previously published works, the settlements of Syganak, Bestam, Kyzyltam, Aktobe, Zhaman Aktobe, Shieli tortkuli, Nansai, Ombay, Asanas 1, 2 and 3, the Asanas Ata mausoleum were known. In 2020, the authors of the article organized new archaeological exploration studies in these areas, as a result of which 4 new sites were discovered – Botabay tortkuli and the towns of Botabay, Katynbakkan, and Akkorgan. In addition, based on intelligence materials, the authors came to the conclusion that there was a medieval crossing between the current villages of Tartogay and Botabay. In 2020, the Asanas detachment of the Zhankent archaeological expedition led by A.A. Tazhekeev, archaeological excavations were carried out at the site of Asanas.
The discovery of 18 large settlements and mausoleum made it possible to examine in more detail the caravan route between Syganak and Asanas.
Key words: Syrdarya region, Middle Ages, caravan route, large settlements, Syganak, Asanas.