From history of historical and cultural monuments (On an example of monuments botai and bosok)


  • Бакытжан Калнияз
        66 244


In this article historically valuable monuments of northern Kazakhstan that have become a pride of the whole world – Botay culture and Buzok site are considered. Botay culture is the culture of the Eneo- lithic tribes which lived in northern Kazakhstan. Botay, which was a fertile place for ancient people who lived in the ІV-ІІІ millennium BC, was opened in 1980 thanks to archaeological excavations organized by V.F.Zaibert and attracted the attention of researchers. Scientists were surprised by the found multiplicity of horse bones. About 133 thousand horse bones were investigated. Buzok is a Turkic-Oguz term, the name of the eastern part of the administrative structure of the ancient Turkic states. The settlement of Buzok is important for the capital of Kazakhstan as its ancient history. Buzok is an old settlement, at that time it was considered as a horde of a local ruler. The archaeological site since 2004 – Buzok, takes part in the tourist direction of the capital of Kazakhstan. 


How to Cite

Калнияз, Б. (2017). From history of historical and cultural monuments (On an example of monuments botai and bosok). Journal of History, 85(2), 169–174. Retrieved from



Section 3 Archeology and Ethnology