Kazakh education and some problems of transformation of traditional Kazakh society



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The article deals with the problems of traditional Kazakh society. The analysis of its ideological con- tent, socio-political structure, national values is shown. The role and place of formation of values, which are the main historical thinking, national culture of a traditional society, are defined. The problem of a comprehensive study of the structure of a traditional society was determined by traditional moderniza- tion. The idea of restoring the national ideology, spiritual sources, which is the cornerstone of history and culture, has been defined. It has been made a historical analysis of research in this direction. The historical conditions, economic and cultural prerequisites for the transformation of traditional Kazakh society are considered.

Socio-economic changes contribute to the renewal of spiritual culture, its ideological rearmament. The worldview basis of this process was education. It is shown that in the educational teachings both ele- ments of the experience of the ideological and theoretical development of mankind and peculiar features of national self-consciousness were accumulated.

Кеу words: traditional Kazakh society, transformation, patriarchal-feudal society, formation cam- paign, civilization, spiritual culture, Kazakh enlightenment.

Author Biographies

G. B. Idrısova, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Kazakhstan, Turkestan


R. E. Junsheyev, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati, Kazakhstan, Taraz

Associate Professor


How to Cite

Idrısova, G. B., & Junsheyev, R. E. (2021). Kazakh education and some problems of transformation of traditional Kazakh society. Journal of History, 102(3), 139–150. https://doi.org/10.26577/JH.2021.v102.i3.14



Journal KazNU: History