Historical aspects of political repression among Kazakhs of Uzbekistan (30s of the 20th century)



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The article considers the reasons for political repression in Uzbekistan in the 30s of the 20th cen­ tury and their consequences for Kazakhs living in the Republic. The purpose is to clarify the features of the violent Stalinist policy that took place in Uzbekistan; to determine which part of the population was subjected to political repression and what was the proportion of ethnic Kazakhs among them. The ar­ ticle discusses the degree of study of the topic, research methods. While the political repression carried out against other peoples of Uzbekistan is covered in many studies, there is no special work on repres­ sion against Kazakhs of Uzbekistan. In the course of the study, based on the historical position, various sources and documents were analyzed. The author describes in detail the mechanisms of the Central Committee for the implementation of political repressions in the USSR, the creation of the “troika”, and methods of punishment. The article analyzes the causes of political repression of Kazakhs in Uzbekistan in 1937­1938. When studying the political repressions of Kazakhs in Uzbekistan, we were convinced that they were subjected to bai and kulaks, who were stipulated that they conducted anti­Soviet propa­ ganda; elements alien to them gathered on collective farms, national enmity intensified, communication with the Basmachs, or showed indifference to the collective farm event, etc.

Key words: Uzbekistan, political repressions, 1937­1938, “troika”, Stalin system, Kazakhs in Uz­

bekistan, Kulak.

Author Biography

B. Kalshabayeva, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


How to Cite

Kalshabayeva, B. (2021). Historical aspects of political repression among Kazakhs of Uzbekistan (30s of the 20th century). Journal of History, 101(2), 99–108. https://doi.org/10.26577/JH.2021.v101.i2.11



Journal KazNU: History