Production routine of wartime (1941-1945) in the reflection of modern foreign and Russian historiography


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The article analyzes modern trends in foreign and Russian historiography of the problems of production routine at the defense enterprises of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

Study of the workers’ everyday life allows neglecting propaganda layers to approach the real image of the period and understand motives and values of people.

The article describes the peculiarities of new approaches to the study of war, labor, and power from the standpoint of everyday life history. A review of modern foreign and Russian historiography on the problems of production routine during the war is presented. The article substantiates the importance of the everyday life history» for understanding the period of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet history. Particular attention is paid to the history of labor or «workers history» as one of the directions of everyday life history.

It has shown the main achievements and debatable issues in the study of the topic of production routine in the extreme conditions of war; it has identified the directions for further research of this scientific problem.

Key words: historiography; the Great Patriotic War, production routine; Russia; Kazakhstan, USSR, scientific research, social history.


Author Biographies

M. Potemkina, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk

doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

R. Zharkynbayeva, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


How to Cite

Potemkina, M., & Zharkynbayeva, R. (2021). Production routine of wartime (1941-1945) in the reflection of modern foreign and Russian historiography. Journal of History, 101(2), 91–98.



Journal KazNU: History