Museum of victims of political repression of South kazakhstan region
The article discusses the Museum of Shymkent victims of political repression of the South Kazakhstan region.Museum of Victims of Political Repression in Shymkent is one of the first museums in the country dedicated to the memory of victims of political repressions in 1937-1938.In the past century, Kazakhstan had to go through many tragic events, and these events are reflected in the museum exhibits.The main objective of this museum - to honor the memory of those killed in the years of people who have been victims of political regime, and natural disasters.The Museum, which occupies two halls - the Exhibit Hall and the Hall of sorrow. In the center of the museum you can see the installed sculpture "repression", which displayed pain and suffering of the Kazakh people.The museum exhibition consists of a portrait gallery of public figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, experienced the brunt of repression.In the hall of "Worship" set the plate on which immortalized the names of 2,500 people who were shot in the thirties.Also often Museum of Victims of Political Repression becomes a center for various events.