Түрік қaғaнaты мемлекеттілік мәселесінің ХХ ғaсырдың 30-60 жылдaрындaғы зерттелуі
The article provides a brief overview of the historiography of medieval Turkic statehood. The chronological framework of the study is 30-60 years of the twentieth century. Are given the conclusion of Soviet historiansturkologist about statehood of Turkic peoples. We try to make comparative analysis of the works of Soviet scholars like S.V. Kiselev, S.P. Tolstov, N.N. Kozmin, A.N. Bernshtam, M.I. Artamonov.And also considered the work of foreign historians such as Arnold Toynbee, O.Lattimor, R.Grusse, who in turn tried to solve the problem of the emergence of Turkish statehood. Key words: Turkic statehood, Soviet scholars, foreign historians.