Тұрақты изотопты талдау жұмыстарының археология ғылымындағы маңыздылығы



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To restore the nutrition system of ancient peoples, it is important to study the isotopic composition of food components belonging to the ecosystem in which they lived. Stable isotope analysis is a scientific method used by archaeologists and many other scientists to collect information from human and animal bones. The analysis of stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) is widely used in modern paleodietic studies. Based on this, it determines the process of photosynthesis in plants consumed throughout life.

Little attention is paid to the development of scientific conclusions linking the results of the analysis of stable isotopes with archaeological sites. In some cases, this is due to the need to conduct social research that unites small groups of samples by chronological or cultural type. When the number of samples in a category is relatively small, this approach can provide simple information about a particular culture or time period. In addition, the study of the archaeological context of individual burials, along with the discussion of the results of isotope analysis, contributes to obtaining more accurate data and forming new hypotheses for further work.

This article describes in detail the importance for archaeological science of stable isotope analysis of osteological materials, innovations, current development trends, laboratory analysis results and scientific conclusions on materials found in the region of Kazakhstan. The possibilities of stable isotope analysis in determining the diet of ancient inhabitants are also described.






Раздел 3 Aрхеология и этнология