Сұраншы батырдың өмірі мен қызметі. (1860 ж. қазан – 1864 ж. қыркүйек)



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This work is devoted to the activities of Suranshi batyr in the period from 1860 to 1864. The work is aimed at studying the life of Suranshi-batyr in the context of general historical events that took place on the territory of modern Almaty region and southern Kazakhstan. Based on the studied scientific works and materials of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an analysis of historical events was carried out for further scientific coverage of the life and work of famous people in Kazakhstan's history.

The complex and ambiguous relations of Suranshi-batyr and other Kazakh and Kyrgyz ancestral rulers with each other, as well as with the West Siberian government in Omsk, with the Alatav district chief G.A. Kolpakovsky in Verny, with Kokand commanders and khans.

The results of this work, analysis and review, can be used for further scientific interpretations and studies of both the life of individuals and the history of the period of the second half of the 19th century in the Central Asian region as a whole. In addition, given the small amount of information regarding the life of Suranshi-batyr and other famous figures, the materials of this study can be used for presentation in the public domain for everyone interested in studying the history of Kazakhstan and Russia.






Раздел 1 История отечества