Policy of the journal

Terms of publication of the manuscript

The journal "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" is issued at intervals of 4 times a year in the network (electronic) format in the following established terms of the journal's issues: the first issue is published until March 20 of the current year, the second issue - until June 20; the third issue - until September 20 and the fourth issue - until December 20.

For publication in the journal "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series", accepted previously unpublished articles by the author (s) in Kazakh, Russian or English, which correspond to the thematic areas of the journal and are formatted strictly according to the requirements of the manuscript.

The manuscript of a scientific article is submitted to the editorial board by the author for correspondence (determined from the number of the author's collective of the manuscript if there are 2 or more co-authors) at least two months before the next issue of the journal is published. For publication in the journal, manuscripts are accepted in volume (excluding title, information about authors, annotations, keywords, bibliographic list) of at least 3,000 words and not more than 7,000 words.

The manuscript should be uploaded via the electronic platform by the author for correspondence, indicating all the metadata of the article and its authors. An article by one and the same author (prepared individually or in co-authorship) may be published in the journal no more than once during a calendar year.

Authors must submit to the editorial office an original work that has not been previously published in other publications (in print, electronic and other open sources). The authors are responsible for the reliability, novelty, and evidence of the research results. At the stage of consideration of the manuscript by the editorial board and reviewers of the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series", as well as after its publication, the authors undertake not to provide this manuscript for consideration for publication in another edition.

At the stages of working with a manuscript, communication between the editorial office, the author for correspondence and reviewers is carried out via the electronic (online) platform OJS, and in exceptional cases - via e-mail.
The editorial board of the journal considers the manuscripts submitted by the author/authors, organizes their peer review and decides on publication or refusal to publish within two months from the date of receipt of the manuscript through the electronic platform.

The author (s) of the manuscript approved for publication in the journal are obliged to pay for publication in accordance with the approved price list for publication in scientific journals of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. A receipt for payment for publication in pdf format is sent by the author (s) to the e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal.

Borrowing and plagiarism

The editorial board of "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series", when reviewing the manuscript for compliance with formal requirements (manuscript formatting), also checks for the presence of borrowed text in the manuscript using the plagiarism checker system, access to which is provided by the university subscription or based on national subscription.

Only original manuscripts and/or those manuscripts in which, according to the results of verification by the anti-plagiarism system, originality is more than 75% are sent for further review. If the manuscript does not meet the design requirements of the journal and is not an original work based on the results of a plagiarism check, the manuscript is returned to the author for correspondence for making the appropriate changes and re-sending the manuscript for review by the editorial board through the electronic platform of the journal.

If the authors used works, articles, provisions, or quotes and statements of other researchers when writing the manuscript, then they must necessarily refer to the works of these scientists and correctly format the quoted text. Plagiarism seems to be an unethical act that violates the principles of the Code of Ethics of the scientist of al-Farabi KazNU and is unacceptable to the Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series.

Persons involved in the publishing process, in particular members of the editorial board of the journal "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series", to ensure the high quality of scientific publications, in order to avoid unfair practices in publishing activities, such as the use of false information, falsification data, etc., in order to ensure the recognition of scientific achievements by the society, undertake to comply with the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community and Al-Farabi KazNU, as well as take measures to prevent such violations.

The members of the editorial board of the journal "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" undertake not to violate the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community and Al-Farabi KazNU by authors, members of the editorial board, reviewers.

In case of violations of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community and Al-Farabi KazNU, the editorial board of the journal undertakes to act in accordance with the "Ethics of publication for scientific journals Al-Farabi KazNU", "Code of ethics of the scientist Al-Farabi KazNU" and Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) standards.

In the case of a provable fact (s) of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics was found in an article published in the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series", the editorial board undertakes to remove this article from the issue in which it was published and from the official website of the journal (carry out a retraction of the article) with the obligatory indication of specific violations by the author (s) of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics and place the corresponding announcement in the next issue of the journal.

The author (s) of an article in which a provable fact of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics was discovered are not allowed to submit articles to the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" and other scientific journals, published by Al-Farabi KazNU within the next 3 calendar years from the date of revealing the fact (s) of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics.

Review process

The manuscripts received by the editorial office of the journal and meeting the formal requirements, design requirements and the indicator of originality based on verification through the plagiarism checker system, are sent for further review without fail.

In the case of the author (s) of the manuscript has a conflict of interest with other scientist (s) he (s) must indicate the existence of such a conflict of interest in the cover letter, in order to avoid sending this manuscript to the specified scientist (reviewer) and biased evaluations of the manuscript.

The "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" uses a "two-way-blind" peer review carried out by at least two scientists with a Candidate of Sciences, D.Sc., PhD and scientific specialization on the topic peer-reviewed manuscript.

Reviewing is carried out confidentially: the manuscript of the article is sent to reviewers through the electronic platform of the journal without specifying information about the author's Reviewers are required to have a clear, objective and reasoned assessment of the compliance of the manuscript with the main scientific criteria, as well as its quality of significance.

After receiving conclusions from the reviewers, the executive editor sends them to the author for correspondence without specifying the data of the reviewers, for responding to comments, making appropriate changes and resubmitting the manuscript via the electronic platform. The author (s) may, without explanation, refuse to reply to comments, make changes to the manuscript and resubmit it to the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series"

After answering all the comments, making changes to the manuscript to eliminate the comments of the reviewers and re-sending it to the editorial office of the journal, the scientific editor sends all the materials to the reviewer (s) for re-review.

The manuscript, on which there are positive opinions from two reviewers and the executive editor, are recommended for publication in the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" according to the order of their acceptance for publication. The manuscripts approved by the editorial board are transferred to the executive secretary to form the issue of the journal.

If one of the reviewers provided a positive conclusion on the manuscript, and the second - a negative one, then the manuscript is sent by the scientific editor to the third reviewer or a member of the editorial board who is a specialist in the subject of the manuscript. If a third reviewer or a member of the editorial board provides a positive conclusion, the final decision on acceptance/rejection of the publication of the manuscript is made by the scientific editor of the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series"

In the case of two negative reviews, the manuscript deviates from publication in the journal.
The materials of articles rejected by the editorial board based on the results of peer review are not used by the editorial board for their own purposes. The editor or executive secretary notifies the author for correspondence about the refusal to publish and sends the opinions of the reviewers.

The manuscript reviews are stored for three years in electronic format on the journal's electronic platform.
The period for reviewing is assigned by the editor for the article, and the period for reviewing the manuscript by the reviewers is no more than two months from the date of sending the material to the reviewers.

Open Access policy and Archiving

The "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" provides open access to its content on the official website of the journal. This provides wider informational access to the journal in the global scientific community. Also, the website of the journal provides the necessary information for authors and readers about the activities of the journal: conditions of publication, rules for registration and submission of manuscripts to the journal, the procedure for forming the journal and reviewing manuscripts, publication ethics, information about the editorial board, contact details of the scientific editor and executive secretary.

Readers and authors can view the electronic versions of the current issue of the journal and archives for previous periods. All publications of the journal in electronic form are distributed free of charge and without restrictions under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Copyright and licensing

The authors of the articles of the "Journal KazNU: History / Bulletin of history / KazNU Bulletin: History series" reserve the right of the author to scientific work and transfer the right of the first publication to the journal along with the work, licensing it at a time under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

The authorship of the manuscript belongs to those researchers who participated directly in the creation of the manuscript, in the formation of the idea, in the writing of the article, in the interpretation of the results, and made a significant contribution to obtaining scientific results.

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, the authors retain the rights to their manuscripts, while allowing everyone to freely download, reuse, reprint, change, distribute or copy them, with the obligatory acknowledgment of the authorship of this work and a link to a unique publication in this journal. For all these actions, when specifying a link to the journal, permission from the authors or publisher is not required.

The authors reserve the right to distribute their article in other sources (for example, in the institutional archive, social networks, etc.) with the obligatory reference to its original publication in this journal.

Сonfidentiality terms

Information about the authors - their names, affiliation, contact information, information about their position and academic degree, as well as links to identifiers of authors' profiles in international databases are placed in the article in the section "Information about the authors".

Members of the editorial board of the journal «KazNU Bulletin: History series» do not disclose information about the manuscript accepted for consideration before its publication to third parties, except for the appointed reviewers. Also, the editors do not disclose information about reviewers to authors and others.

These and other norms of behavior of participants in the publication process, namely the principles, norms and standards of conduct for authors, members of the editorial board, publisher and reviewers, are based on the Ethics of Publication for Scientific Journals of Al-Farabi KazNU.