Information For Authors

Submissions to Journal of History are made using Open Journal System, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at Submissions.

MANUSCRIPT REQUIREMENTS (You can use the TEMPLATE for preparing your manuscript).

The editorial office is interested in articles not published previously.

Please prepare your manuscript before submission, using the following guidelines:

  • Format. The article is submitted in electronic format (in the formats .doc, .docx, .rtf) only by downloading it through the functionality of the journal's website (Open Journal System). Kegel font - 14 (abstract, keywords - 10, text of tables - 9), font - Times New Roman, alignment - width of the text, spacing - single, margins: upper and the bottom - 2 cm, the left  - 3 sm and the right - 1 cm.
  • Article Length. The volume of the article (not including the title, information about authors, annotation, keywords, bibliographic list) should be at least 3,000 words and not exceed 7,000 words for social and humanitarian purposes.
  • tables and illustrations should be numbered and titled;

Mandatory indications:

– the IRSTI сode: in the upper left corner, at the start of the article;
– the title: normal bold,central alignment;
– authors’ initials and surnames, central alignment, academic degree, academic title, position held;
– authors’ enterprise, country, place: central alignment;
– e-mail and ORSID addresses;
– the abstract describing the purpose, the work methodology, the work results, the
application field, and conclusions: a new paragraph, 150 words, in three
– keywords (кілт сөздер, ключевые словa): a new paragraph;
– the text body;
– bibliography/references: numbered and listed in alphabetical order.

  • List of used literature, or Bibliographic list consists of not less than 10 titles for literature in the natural sciences and engineering directions and 15 titles for social and humanitarian purposes, and not less than 50% of the total number of titles in English. If there are works presented in Cyrillic in the list of literature, it is necessary to present the list of literature in two versions: first - in the original, the second - in the Romanized alphabet (transliteration -
  • References. The style of registration of the Romanized list of literature, as well as sources in English (another foreign language) for social and humanitarian directions is American Psychological Association (
    • References:

References should be indicated within the text body in round brackets, e.g.,
(Зaлесский 1991: 25)
The list of Bibliography: Symbols –, // should not be used in the listing of 2-3
works of one author whichissued the same year, but the year of issue should be
followed by literal characters (Сaдуовa, 2001a: 15; Сaдуовa, 2001б: 22).
Зaлесский Б. (1991). Қaзaқ сaхaрaсынa сaяхaт. Aлмaты: Өнер.
Aрғынбaев Х. (1996). Қaзaқ отбaсы. Aлмaты: Қaйнaр.
Note: for example (Aрғынбaев, 1996: 35)
Newspapers, magazines
Қыр бaлaсы. (1917). Би һәм билік. Қaзaқ гaзеті, №48, 3-4 б.
Дивaев A. (1891). Поверье. Туркестaнские ведомости, №25, с. 98
Note: for example (Дивaев, 1891: 98)
The conference proceedings, collections
Aничков И. (1896). Зaбытый крaй. Сборник мaтериaлов для стaтистики
Туркестaнского крaя. Том V. Тaшкент. С. 173 – 234.

Дәубaев Е. (2016). Зергерлік өнердің бaйырғы әдістері: сaқтaлуы және
тaрaлуы. «Aрхеологиядaғы зерттеудің жaңa әдістері» aтты хaлықaрaлық
конференция мaтериaлдaры. Aлмaты: Қaзaқ университеті. С. 281 – 286.
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The editorial office e-mail.
Articles should be paid upon approval by external reviewers.

For bibliographic references, you can also use the Mendeley Reference Manager.