Cultural links of the population of the Ulus Juchi of the steppe Kazakhstan by the example of bracelets depicting lion’s faces


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In this article, the author tried to give a detailed description and semantic meaning of the image of
lion’s faces, depicted on bracelets of the Golden Horde era of Northern Kazakhstan. The main purpose of
the article is to define the image of a lion, and his appearance in the decorative arts of medieval Kazakhstan.
In the quality of the jewelry, bracelets with the image of lion’s faces found during excavations of the
necropolis of Bozok in Central Kazakhstan were chosen. A pair of silver bracelets depicting lion masks
found on the wrists of a woman’s hands; the burial dates from the XIII – early XIV centuries. Bracelets
clearly demonstrate the level of trade relations of the time.
Of great interest to silver bracelets with the image of lion’s faces is the problem of early dating,
genesis and fine styling, which allows to identify the continuity of traditions, the processes of formation
of the Golden Horde «imperial» style and the role of local and regional art centers in it. Not excluded
the possibility that the motive of the lion’s faces is an echo of the once famous «animal style», however,
continues to be popular in the art of medieval Islam.
Silver bracelets with lion’s faces are an important decoration of the women’s costume of nomads
Ulus Juchi and were widely used by representatives of high social status in society






Journal KazNU: History