Historical figures and historical knowledge


  • J. Dadebaev
  • P. Bisenbaev
  • E. Karibozov
        80 39


The article reveals the real truth of the troubled times in Eurasia XVII century. On the basis of original documents refers to the prominent figures of this era. In these documents, there is mention of such famous historical figures as Orak, Oraz Muhammad, Cantemir, Esterek and are also valuable information about how the war between the Khans Kyrym and Nogai ulus, of embassies, about their relationship.
Great cultural and historical significance of these ancient sources. They help to become acquainted, fuller picture of the reality of the heroic age HҮІІ century, the period of the Nogai Horde, Russian principalities and the Crimean Khanate. However, the article systematically analyzes the major historical events and famous historical figures. For example, special importance has been written about Orak batyr, became famous under the name of Peter Urusova who fought to the death for the honor of his country, its socio-historical role and boundless courage. Of course, it is impossible to tell with all the fullness of the fate of Orak batyr and the harsh historical reality of his time.


How to Cite

Dadebaev, J., Bisenbaev, P., & Karibozov, E. (2015). Historical figures and historical knowledge. Journal of History, 1(76). Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/909



Journal KazNU: History