Key aspects of the safety of foreign policy of Kazakhstan and Central Asia
The article rasmatreny questions about the main security issues in Central Asia, at the same time shows ways of solving factors in Central Asia and the Commonwealth of the problem, according to the peculiarities of security issues in Central Asia and addressing their main facilities. Rasmatrivaetssya questions about foreign policy – economic relations of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, on the aspects of integration and complexity. The author makes his subektiyvnye conclusions and analyzes the work of the political committee of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The Republic of Kazakhstan has shown itself as a country with an active foreign policy, as a country aspiring to equality, there is pragmatism of the country, the pursuit of a constructive interviews and multifaceted community policy. Analyzes conceptual views to internal security qualifies glayne differences in social and economic development of Central Asia, it puts forward the idea of creating a universal internal security in Central Asia. Key words: security, integration, transzastava, economics, consultative, the association process, the idea sodruzhestvao, institutsional, union, trend, ethnicity, factor geopolitics.