Political relations of Turkey and Turkestan before the Soviet regime


  • Қ. Қ. Базарбаев
  • Т. Қ. Мекебаев
  • Ж. Ж. Құмғaнбaев
        40 40


The article deals with the cultural and political relations between Turkey and Turkestan and the emergence on the political scene in the early twentieth century, the idea of consolidation of the Turkic peoples. Turkestan national liberation movement was not limited to the regional scale, content and influence has become an international phenomenon, as well as the author of historical facts justifies the influence of foreign national liberation movements on the formation of ideas and the constituent elements of the Turkestan movement. The main factor may be noted the influence of the movement Mladoturks. Analysis of historical sources give us such a conclusion. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the relationship between Turkey and Turkestan proceeded in an informal setting that influenced the development of bilateral relations. The author in this article are based on historical studies of conducting pathways analysis of relations between Turkey and Turkestan. Key words: Turkestan region, Turkey, Russia, the idea of Turkic unity, the national liberation movement.


How to Cite

Базарбаев, Қ. Қ., Мекебаев, Т. Қ., & Құмғaнбaев Ж. Ж. (2020). Political relations of Turkey and Turkestan before the Soviet regime. Journal of History, 83(4). Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/880



Journal KazNU: History