From the history of the Khanate Abulkayyr in the I-half of the XV century


  • М. С. Ноғайбаева
  • Б. Б. Кәрібаев
        51 202


In the article the author considers some issues «nomadic Uzbeks» State history in the first half of the XV century in Eastern Desht-iKipchak. The author criticizes some of the findings of the first monograph, which was published half a century ago, on the history of this state. In the number of such conclusions that «Abilkayyr ruled in KypchakDeshti 40 years» is also present. By deeply analyzing data from recent studies and evidence, trying to prove that such a conclusion is not true. Thus, in the article, the author refers to his personal conclusions. Key words: B.A. Akhmedov, Abilkayyr Khan, Shiban state, «the nomadic Uzbeks», Dasht-i-Kipchak, AlashBahadur, Edige bi.


How to Cite

Ноғайбаева, М. С., & Кәрібаев, Б. Б. (2020). From the history of the Khanate Abulkayyr in the I-half of the XV century. Journal of History, 82(3). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History