The main principle of the classification of documents of the Regional Party Committee (1920-1925.)


  • A. М. Уразбаева
        50 50


The author of this article states that the possibility of the systematic analysis of the information contained in the documents comes from the classification and analyzed the fundamental principles of classification of documents of in the regional committee, which was the main source of power in the 1920. During the study, it was disclosed that it is possible to use the several types with the most common and data related objective signs, which were strictly considered. There is no clear one-sided classification system of data, including documents classification, where documents are divided into groups and types. Therefore, in case when the classification is formed, firstly, it is necessary to consider goals and objectives, and secondly, the existing volume and types of complex of the data and other features during the process. Key words: Regional Committee, document, classification, data, conference, party, politics and power.


How to Cite

Уразбаева A. М. (2020). The main principle of the classification of documents of the Regional Party Committee (1920-1925.). Journal of History, 82(3). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History