Normative-methodical base of archeographic: historical aspect


  • Г. А. Сексенбаева
  • Н. К. Алпысбаева
  • Ш. Т. Булгауов
        54 155


The article analyzes the normative-methodical works of researchers of different generations that have influenced on development of archeographic thoughts in a given period. The study of forming and the study of current status of normative-methodical basis in the field of archeography have been linked with the needs of practical activities to publish historical sources. In particular a necessity to publish certain types of sources has caused the development of all kinds of private rules and recommendations, which added up to the universal documents, which could be useful in the preparation of publications. These documents included historical sources with different types of origin, content and location. At the same time the standard-setting activities stimulated the development of archeographical thought and came to conclusion, which had not only applied but also scientific meanings. Because of them for a sufficiently long period of time huge archeographical database was created, which became the basis of the historical research for the various periods of native history. Kazakh historians still use this database. Development of normative and methodical documents promoted the formation of archeography as an academic discipline, as well as stand out in a special type of practical activity for the publication of documents with its characteristic features. Key words: archeographical, historical sources, publication, normative-methodical base, documents, archeographical thought.


How to Cite

Сексенбаева, Г. А., Алпысбаева, Н. К., & Булгауов, Ш. Т. (2020). Normative-methodical base of archeographic: historical aspect. Journal of History, 82(3). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History