The service of sultans-rulers of the Little Horde on the basis of official lists


  • Е. А. Галимов
        26 53


History of Kazakh people has a lot of unknown and unidentified pages. In these uncovered pages the important place is taken by history of persons who played in definite period of kazakh history though not the most noble, but a fatal role. Each of these persons represents the historical period, also is an integral part of that socio-political society. Researching of these persons, in this case sultans-rulers, can supply with the information for complete and original restovration of history. The main task of historians stating the point of view concerning persons of the past centuries is impartially to comprehend and show such difficult questions, which need deep professional penetration into researching historical personal essence. In this article is investegated the service of sultans-rulers of the Little Horde which rendered to the Russian Empire and by that promoted deepening of colonization of the Kazakh land. Key words: sultans-rulers, official lists, history of persons, service records.


How to Cite

Галимов, Е. А. (2020). The service of sultans-rulers of the Little Horde on the basis of official lists. Journal of History, 81(2). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History