"Russian" in the notes of the English ambassadors


  • М.В. Коломийцева
        29 21


Purpose of the article is discusses the writings of English travelers and ambassadors that visited Russia and left information about their visits. In the data recordings seems to be the vision about how foreigners saw Russian people. Everyone, who visited Russia, described the parts that he was interested in or things that seemed foreign man as wild and incomprehensible. Their works contain information about the position of the Russian people, the status of settlements and dwellings, Russians` food. They also provide an assessment of the architectural-construction projects and their decoration, described by the ambassadors. Other interesting datas are notes of diplomats, which referred to the political and economic relations of Russia with neighbours. They contain important information about the goods that played a significant and strategic role for England, who sought in various ways to get trading privileges from Russia.


How to Cite

Коломийцева, М. (2017). "Russian" in the notes of the English ambassadors. Journal of History, 84(1), 134–138. Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/80



Section 2 The World history