Historiographical aspect the social system of the Kazakhs before the October Revolution of 1917


  • С. К. Игибаев
        118 1015


This article examines in the historiographical aspect the social system of the Kazakhs before the October Revolution of 1917. The author, S.K.Igibaev, based on the analysis of monographic studies and sources, comes to the conclusion that in the second half of XIX-early XX centuries, the socio-economic level of the Kazakh society was quite feudal but not patriarchal-feudal. Some elements of the patriarchal mode, preserved under the colonial system, were not decisive in the social system of the Kazakhs. In the depths of feudal relations,the capitalist systemappeared and developed, it was a process of formation of the workers and Kazakh bourgeoisie.  Key words: khan, sultan, torus, Khoja, Bii, Tarhan, nobleman, the lord, bai (rich man), kedey (poor man), tolengut, slave.


How to Cite

Игибаев, С. К. (2020). Historiographical aspect the social system of the Kazakhs before the October Revolution of 1917. Journal of History, 81(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/797



Journal KazNU: History