Archaeological research on the main entrance gate of the medieval settlement Dzhankent in 2019


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The article presents some results of integrated archaeological research on the medieval settlement
of Dzhankent in 2019. Modern archaeological research the settlement Dzhankent started in the distant
1946, when the monument was visited by the head of the Khorezm Archaeological and Ethnographic expedition
S.P. Tolstov with flight intelligence group, which brought together lift the material and produced
a visual map of the site. Stationary archaeological research began only in 2005 as part of a tripartite
agreement between the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N.N. Maclay, Russian Academy of Sciences,
the Institute of Archaeology. A.H. Margulan MES RK and Kyzylorda state University. Korkyt Ata
MES RK. For 15 years of field research, a huge amount of material has been accumulated on the material
culture of the tribes that inhabited the settlement of Dzhankent. However, until now, the defensive
structures and the structure of the main entrance gate of the monument have not been well studied. To fill
the above gap in 2018 was laid excavation number 7 on the Eastern gate of the settlement. During two
field seasons, 200 m2 were excavated at excavation 7 and several construction horizons were revealed.
Previously, it can be argued that the main entrance gate of Dzhankent was built by analogy with the
nearby cities of southern Khorezm.

Author Biographies

S. Bilalov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

PhD doctoral student

A. Tazhekeyev, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda

Candidate of Historical Sciences






Journal KazNU: History