Heroism of Kazakhstan citizens in fight for independence of Ukraine
The war of 1941-1945 years between the USSR and Nazi Germany became cruel to lots of people. Our grandparents went from Kazakhstan to war, showed the dedication on of all the front lines. One of these fronts was the liberation of Ukraine from invaders. 600 thousand of the 1.2 mil- lion of Kazakhstan people aimed at the front participated directly in the battle for the liberation of Ukraine. 300 thousand of them were killed on the Ukrainian land. 1500 Kazakhstanis in partisans associations on the ter- ritory of Ukraine fought against the enemies. In the battle with the en- emies Kazakhstan partisans showed great heroism. The main purpose of this article is to show the heroism of Kazakhstan soldiers in the liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders, as well as their courage and perseverance in the course of operations for the liberation of their territory.