Activities Alikhan Bukeikhanov in the newspaper «Kazakh»


  • T. K. Mekebayev
  • Zh. Zh Kumganbayev
        271 68


The article deals with reliable documentary sources of the newspaper

«Kazakh», go to Orenburg 1913-1918 gg. On the basis of Articles gov- ernment leaders of «Alash» A.Bukeyhanov shows valuable information for modern researchers, that gives the opportunity to learn valuable historical materials about the history of Alash Orda autonomy of written article by Bukeikhanov in «Dala ualyaty» newspapers, «Steppe Region», «Omich»,

«Irtysch»,  «Semeipalatinskie  oblasttnye  statements»,  «  Semipalatinsk   listok»,

«Turkestan statements», «Aykap», «Speech», «S Our life», «Word», «Eastern Review» unreleased in the late XIXth and early XXth centuries. This article based on current research and historical documents of the author of an analysis of the value of historical documents published by «Kazakh» in the newspaper, and the role of «Kazakh» newspaper and A. Bokeikhanov in the formation of national identity and ideology.


How to Cite

Mekebayev, T. K., & Kumganbayev, Z. Z. (2020). Activities Alikhan Bukeikhanov in the newspaper «Kazakh». Journal of History, 80(1), 110–115. Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History