Consequences on the purveyance of forage in Kazakhstan


  • Ф.A. Козыбaковa
        43 112


In this article analysed reasons of the «Grain­growing crisis», actions of party of bolsheviс against prosperous peasants. The author on the basis of works of Y.V. Stalin and documentary sources of the PAand CGA of the Republic of Kazakhstan proves that a center was interested stably to hold a price and felt strongly about a market relation, not to lift the cost of market. Author consider that «liquidationagainst prosperous peasants» politics of soviet Kazakhstan imperial authority is unnatural, lacking humanism and illegal politics. Thus it has unbearable consequences: liquidation of knowledgeable, experienced people, who knew how to organize tradi­ tional cattle breeding based upon natural characteristics of agriculture. Author scientifically prove the final destruction of traditional economics.


How to Cite

Козыбaковa Ф. (2017). Consequences on the purveyance of forage in Kazakhstan. Journal of History, 84(1), 32–37. Retrieved from



Section 1 National history