About the ethnicity of the ancient Saks


  • E. Kartabayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        61 19


For controversial issues in science, in which is still being heated debate is the problem of the ethnicity of the Saks, that is, of their ethnic origin. According to most scholars, the earliest ethnic associations were Indo-Europeans. Modern linguistic studies also confirm Saks belongs to the Indo-European language family. Since this problem is related to issues with the Aryan, all at an impasse. The dominant so far in the world of science centrists Europe once and for all decided that the arias should be a European race. For this reason, different views on this issue are not recognized. Nevertheless, despite such dictates from Eurocentrism, recently began to appear in the science research, which is considered the new Aryan issues and settle Turkic roots of the ancient Saks. In this paper the problem is studied by analyzing the sources and special papers.


How to Cite

Kartabayeva, E. (2019). About the ethnicity of the ancient Saks. Journal of History, 3(78). Retrieved from https://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-history/article/view/637



Journal KazNU: History