Formation of the «soviet woman» image in the contemporary western historiography


  • D. Kassymova Казахстанский институт менеджмента, экономики и прогнозирования
  • E. Teleuova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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It is impossible to understand modern day status of women without addressing the past. Soviet women image formation occurred in early XX century when the transition to a new model of social-political structure was created. Historical contexts that shape women images, dictate certain attitude to them in society. It is known that the first soviet decrees on women were promising. Their legal equality with men is fixed in the Constitution of the Russian federation of 1918. Women equality shifts into the field of politics, and becomes a priority, but soviet ideologues form «soviet women» - brave, firm, active and dedicated. The article analyzes the western researchers’ on the process of mental and moral transformation of women facing new realities expressed in the declaration of gender equality in public, political and social-economic spheres. The researchers point to formation of soviet women images as laborer, defender, warrior, etc.


How to Cite

Kassymova, D., & Teleuova, E. (2019). Formation of the «soviet woman» image in the contemporary western historiography. Journal of History, 3(78). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History