Media and spiritual revival of the Kazakh people in the imperial period of development of Kazakhstan (beg. of the XX century)
The author shows the position of the Kazakh intelligentsia – publishers known in the early twentieth century the media, editors and authors of the magazine «Aikap» and the newspaper «Kazakh», on the spiritual revival of the Kazakh people in the imperial period of development of Kazakhstan. Outlined the main themes of publication media: public opinion, issues provoking debate and controversy, artworks of world and national figures, research of scholars on the history, culture, economy and prospects for the political development of the Kazakh territory, and articles that promote the idea of freedom. Have considered the views of famous personalities about problems to the beginning of the twentieth century, relating to the conservation of the nation’s health, education, upbringing and education all population of Kazakhstan. The article attempts to define the role of the state language in the spiritual revival of the Kazakh people. The author emphasizes the importance of the cultural development of Kazakhstan in achieving their freedom and independence.