Modern Russian historiography about nomadic culture and military art of nomad of Eurasia


  • A. Zhumadil Al-Farabi kazakh national University
        46 33


During the modern period of the Russian historiography has occured a departure from the traditional ideas of nomads, as about «barbarians». Today is forming a represent about nomadic people, as intermediaries in a world civilization. The contribution to the historiography of the history of the nomadic peoples have become works of major Russian historian S.G.Klyashtorny, Vladivostok scientist N.N. Kradinov, a prominent specialist on the Chinese sources E.I. Kychanov and a number of other researchers in this field. These works reflect what huge contribution the nomadic civilization made in creation of material and spiritual culture, the invention of new technologies and means of communication which the mankind uses now, and also reveals a noticeable trace of nomads in many spheres of activity concerning first of all military science, social institutes, the sphere of intracontinental trade and communications.


How to Cite

Zhumadil, A. (2019). Modern Russian historiography about nomadic culture and military art of nomad of Eurasia. Journal of History, 4(79). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History