The features of customs and traditions of the Kazakhs in Turkey


  • А. Beysegulova Al-Farabi kazakh national University
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The article deals with the ethnographic features of the Kazakh diaspora in Turkey, the scientific analysis of the impact of foreign environment for the process of ethnic culture through mutual influence, as well as their traditional family relationships, customs and traditions. The purpose of this article is to show particular rituals associated with childbirth and parenting, marriage customs and traditions, such as matchmaking, marriage engagements, conducting weddings and others. The study is based on materials of ethnographic expedition in densely populated by Kazakhs Zeytiburun areas of Istanbul and Guneshli obtained during interviews with representatives of the Kazakh Diaspora, on archival materials «Kazakh Fund» Istanbul, ethnographic study of Kazakh immigrants from Turkey living in Karasai district of Almaty region.


How to Cite

Beysegulova А. (2019). The features of customs and traditions of the Kazakhs in Turkey. Journal of History, 1(76). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History