The history of organization expeditions (by method of MKZ)


  • Zh. Zhappasov Al-Farabi kazakh national University
  • N. Tasylova Al-Farabi kazakh national University
  • Zh. Toyshubekova
        67 18


The article deals with statistical data as the historical sources, reveal their source-value. The history of the development of the «statistics» concept and statistics, which was founded in the Ist half of the XYIII- XIXs in Russia. Analyzed the statistical information for the quality and veracity from the book «MKZ», which was created as a result of major statistical study, was uncovered documentary significance, as well as when used properly in different areas proved help researchers to determine the uniqueness and interrelatedness of historical phenomena. Organizational characteristics of statistical study created «MKZ», the methods related to the collection and processing of data are analyzed individually. In the source «MKZ» without hiding describes the main task of this study, the fact that this – the definition of the ground rules for the natives and the surplus land, and the distribution of these surpluses to migrants from the European part of Russia.


How to Cite

Zhappasov, Z., Tasylova, N., & Toyshubekova, Z. (2019). The history of organization expeditions (by method of MKZ). Journal of History, 1(76). Retrieved from



Journal KazNU: History