Political History of the Golden Horde: Methodology and Historical Paradigms


  • Z. Maidanali Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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Main conceptual positions and methodological paradigms to problem «leading a nomadic life empire» are considered. There are considered different approaches and methods of the study of the shaping and operating the political system of Golden Horde. The onward development to modern history thought in study social-political sphere of the nomadic formation is shown. Analysis of the modern historiography of the foundation of the political system and social structures of the Golden Horde, interaction and mutual influence with subordinate sedentary agricultural people, determination of the dynamics and continuity of ideological processes through new methodological principles of research practice. At the same time, the actualization and extrapolation of previous historical experience are of particular importance, which makes it possible to mark an adequate place for a nomadic civilization in world-wide historical processes as part of world history. Debate and conflicting conclusions of modern historical science reflect the level of theoretical and methodological approaches and show lack of logical tools for understanding the essence and nature of social and political change in nomadic societies. Modern historical thought is determined by new theoretical and conceptual approaches and the rejection of stereotypical views on the political history of the Golden Horde.






Journal KazNU: History