The Museumification of Archaeological Monuments of the Lower Reaches of the Syr Darya (Town Syganak, Zhankent)


  • Ye. Turgunbayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • M. Suyundikova Institute of archaeology, A.H. Margulan



The article deals with the history of medieval settlements Syganak, Zhankent in Kyzylorda region, archaeological excavations in them and the course of work related to musealization. Since 2004, the program «Madeni Mura» and to this day on the monuments of comprehensive research. The monuments were included in the preliminary list of world heritage, as well as in the list of sacred monuments of Kazakhstan of national importance, created within the framework of the program article of the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev «View to the future: modernization of public consciousness», these objects are one of the sacred places of national importance of Kazakhstan. One of the ways of long and high preservation of archaeological monuments is museumification. Museumification of archaeological heritage allows mainly to develop the tourism sector, transform archaeological sites from a new side and use in accordance with modern society. Currently, the use of the archaeological monument can be used not only in the process of excavation, but also for the development of education, culture and tourism. And we will
consider all these expected results in this work.






Journal KazNU: History