National Interest in the Methodology of Domestic Historical Personality


  • Kh. Tursun Ahmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • B. Mambetov Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

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The article aims to make final conclusions on methodological issues of personalities in national history. The main purpose of the research on this topic is the analysis of methodological problems of personalities with the aim of forming an independent historical consciousness. Since the methods used in the methodology of historical personalities in the Soviet and post-Soviet space depend on ideological principles, the place and role of research objects in historical events and phenomena have been underestimated.
Therefore, subjective judgments and conclusions were made in the analysis and evaluation of
biographies, social and political activities and the work of historians. Formation of criteria for assessing
the position of historians and their place in history using the modern methodological approach of national
personality allows us to draw objective conclusions when updating the content of history. The article
analyzes the wording of the party-state nomenclature used in the Soviet personalities, with the methods
of elite conclusions. As an alternative to the ideology of the party-state nomenclature, the advantages
of using the concept of elite in historical research are defined. Considering historical events and phenomena
with an elite approach, we present the methodological criteria for assessing the socio-political
activity and creativity of individual historians. Conclusions about the scientific assessment of individuals
in the history of the Fatherland for their service to national-state interests are made. Considering that only
certain aspects of the methodology of historical personalities are considered in the works of domestic
researchers, the scientific results achieved in the article complement the theoretical foundations of this
industry. The criterion for evaluating the activities of historical personalities can also be used to update
the content of history, scientific research and the content of special disciplines.






Journal KazNU: History