Низaм әл-Мүліктің шығaрмaсы «Сиясет-нaме»-нің жaзылу әдісі мен мaқсaты
This article describes the method and purpose of writing «Siaset-name» by Nizami al Mulk, who was the chief vizier at Tugrul Bey, Alyp Arslan and Malik Shah in a period of prosperity of the Seljuk state. Nizam alMulk occupied a special place in the history of the state of the Seljuk and was the person who made a contribution to the formation of ictus in the socio-economic sphere and development among madrasa education. His work «Siaset-name» is used as a guide to governance in social life and for the rulers in religious governance. The Work «Siaset-name» is the work of the author who served during a long period as an advisor and had a great experience in government. The Work «Siaset-name» is a literary source that provides information Islamic culture, especially the Islamic state. That provides information to Islamic culture or that provides Islamic culture with the information In his work «Siaset-name» were summarized management features of Turkish and Islamic countries, as well as their social, military, financial and cultural aspects.