Soviet governance and children of 20th-30th in Kazakhstan


  • Г. Сексенбаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

        82 128


The research of childhood history is new and undeveloped course in Kazakhstani humanitarian science. The scientific interest to research the childhood problems is caused by increased attention to children and childhood in modern Kazakh society. Research and evaluation of past experiences in childhood issues can help our modern society to build up the innovative strategy of ideology, institutes, and public policies development that relate to childhood field.
After the collapse of USSR the concept of totalitarianism was often used by post soviet historians in explanation of the term of «soviet childhood». Children’s state institutions, pioneer’s organizations, komsomol and family performed as successful laboratories for creating the new social type «Homo Soveticus». Children were the main experimental subjects in a big ideological experiment that was aimed to create the new mechanism of the big totalitarian machine. But the real soviet childhood was much more diverse than it was explained by totalitarian theory. The objective of the article is to analyze the problems of the soviet childhood at the prewar period
that were composed by political plans and daily habits of children and adults and also the goals of central
governances and their activities in Kazakhstan.
The article studies the soviet childhood of the Stalinism epoch: development of the ideologies and
institutes of Soviet state in the field of the childhood in 20th-30th of XX century. Also it shows the implementation
of the state policy in relation to children in present period in Kazakhstan and reflects the social
and economical obstacles in objectification of these plans and policies.
The ideological and institutional building of soviet model of «happy childhood» was completed in
1930th. Constantly and stage by stage every child of every gender, nationality or social class was involved
into all levels of socialization: kinder gardens and schools that made an ideologically prepared citizen.
Materialistic and symbolic spheres of childhood culture such as literature, theatre and cinema was directed
to make more fast and easy perception of official social norms, roles and values that were intruded
by communist ideology.


How to Cite

Сексенбаева, Г. (2018). Soviet governance and children of 20th-30th in Kazakhstan. Journal of History, 90(3), 132–139.



Journal KazNU: History