Historiography of the Institution of Biys (from 1917 to mid – 1930s): Debate on the Issue of «Classless Tribal or Class Feudalistic Kazakh Society»


  • Ж. Мажитова «Astana» University
  • Б. Омарова Astana Medical University


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The article reviews the polemics among the soviet researchers upon the social relations of Kazakh society in the pre-soviet era. The findings of authors had different approaches regarding this issue: one group of researchers considered Kazakh society classless, with the intact tribal relations, whereat the tribe was the core autonomous subject of law; other researchers believed that the development of commodity exchange economy and different noneconomic forces had led to social class differentiation into two polar groups.


How to Cite

Мажитова, Ж., & Омарова, Б. (2018). Historiography of the Institution of Biys (from 1917 to mid – 1930s): Debate on the Issue of «Classless Tribal or Class Feudalistic Kazakh Society». Journal of History, 90(3), 106–111. https://doi.org/10.26577/JH-2018-3-270



Journal KazNU: History