Genetic subclade ZQ5 of haplogroup C-Y15552 tribal union “Alimuly”
Within the scope of the study of the genetic genealogy of Kazakhs, in the work, based on DNA analysis of the Y chromosome, to determine the level of historical verification of oral-traditional genealogy, the tribal union of Alimuly was studied, which is part of the Alshyn tribe of the Kazakhs of the junior horde. The results of the research were based on the use of genetic analyzes of the origin of genera in the male (father’s) line as an applied method in the historical discipline. The use of modern methods and calculations, based on accumulated mutations, in certain genetic subclade, made it possible to determine the epoch in which the ancestor of one or another clan lived. That allowed completely to exclude the identification of consonant clans with the more ancient tribes, thereby reconstructing the authentic history of the birth of an ethnos.