Some issues of the saddle genesis (based on the materials of the burial grounds of Altai Mountains and Berels)


  • М. Шағырбаев Archaeology institute named after A. Margulan
  • С. Сапатаев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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The article is devoted to some issues of the saddle genesis, which is the main part of horse equipment. Of course, now the saddle shape is quite different from its original shape, despite this it retained the main role. The article mainly shows a comparative analysis of manufacturing technology, structural design, decoration methods �of the saddle�s found in East Kazakhstan and neighboring regions. The materials of the Berel burial grounds No. 11 of the Katon-Karagai district of the East Kazakhstan region, the burial grounds of Altai Mountains, such as Pazyryk, Tuyakty, Bashadar, Shibe, Kudyrge, Ak-Alakhan, Upper Kalzhin-2 and burial grounds of Xinjiang region of China are presented as a subject of research. Data on the saddle of nomads are also found in early written sources. For example, the image of Scythian riding horses on the Assyrian hook, the saddled horse of a resting Scyth on the Chertomlyk hook and etc. Specific studies of saddles, analytical work on the basis of archaeological excavations began to be published at the beginning of the ХХ century. Information about this theme is found in the works of researchers such as M.P. Gryaznov, S.I. Rudenko, A.A. Gavrilov, N.V. Polosmak, A.P. Borodovsky, P.P. Azbeylev, E.V. Stepanova, Z.S. Samashev.






Journal KazNU: History