The history of the discovery and study of “Talas monuments”


  • М. Бахтыбаев Kazakh National University n. a. Al-Farabi
        158 502


The article examines the history of studying the “Talas Monuments” of the upper course of the Talas River, discovered at the end of the 19th century a member of the Turkestan section of archeology amateurs, V.A. Kallaur and Finno-Ugric expeditions.
During the last century, monuments of ancient Turkic writing discovered in the upper reaches of the Talas River attract many scientists, among them Academician V.V. Radlov, P.M. Miloransky, Y. Nemet, Kh.N. Orkun, S.E. Malov, P.P. Ivanov, N.N. Poppe, C. Dzhumagulov, A. Aidarov, A. Amanzholov, A. Esenlov, M. Zholdasbekov, N. Bazylkhan T. Dosanov, N.A. Baskakov, L.R. Kyzlasov , I.V. Kormushin, I.A. Batmanov, V. Levshits, S.G. Klyashtorny, E.R. Tenishev and others.
The scientists who conducted the studies on the monuments – the epitaphs located in the gorge of Ayyrtamoy, ancient Turkic letters carved by sogdian alphabet in the gorges of Kulansay and Tereкsay suggest different dates.






Journal KazNU: History