The ancient religious beliefs of kazakh as the core of national spirituality


  • А. Т. Толеубаев Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi
        37 89


In this article, we consider the ancient religious beliefs of kazakh people as the core of �national �spirituality. The tradition at present in our nation is handed down from the ancient religious belief in past. Ancient beliefs, such as the spirit of the earth, the spirit of sky, sun, moon and stars that emerged long before the advent of Islam. M� � � � � � � � � � � any ancient rituals,�tradition�and cultural religiousness based on monotheistic natural religion that the cult «Tanir» (worship of the sky) are wildly found in kazakh society. The traditional religious that the cult «Tanir» based on monotheistic religion were overlaid by Islamic motifs such as Allah and Kuday (god). The Imam Abu hanifa who impart the islam to kazakhs appreciated the traditions. The religion didn’t force kazakhs to believe in the islam, moreover, it was accepted by kazakhs because of its beneficial ideology and policy.






Journal KazNU: History