Development of history education in Kazakhstan in 1991-2000
It is known that historical knowledge is the past, present and future of people, the main force in the formation of historical consciousness in society. The article discusses the main issues of history education, relevant in modern historical science. Changes in the education system and the level of its development in the first decade of independence are analyzed. Analyzed the teaching and content of the subject “History of Kazakhstan” in secondary schools and universities of this period. Data on the level of education in Kazakhstan and the general coefficient of higher education for 1991-2000 presented as data. Teaching the history of Kazakhstan is studied from the standpoint of historical science, the importance of national history in historical education is emphasized. Data on schools and universities for these years are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the content of history education in Kazakhstan in 1980-1990 and 1991-2000 is made, the dynamics of qualitative changes in textbooks and teaching aids in the form of tables and graphs have been scientifically analyzed. In addition, personal interviews were conducted with historians who worked in the field of historical science and were witnesses of their time and their opinions were used in writing this article. Archive documents on the topic of the article will be used and introduced into scientific circulation. Key words: Independent Kazakhstan, national history, science, history education, school, higher educational institution, the formation of historical consciousness, national and spiritual values.