«Central Commission on the integration of Kazakh language into documentation management» and «Enbekshi Kazak»
The article is covers the study of the history of the main newspaper in Kazakh language of the Republic of Kazakhstan – «Egemen Kazakhstan» and the role of this newspaper in covering state policy and the national issue in the period from 1923 to 1926, when the newspaper was called «Enbekshi Kazak» («Labor Kirghiz») and was the main organ of press of the Central Executive Committee of the KASSR on the example of the work of the «Central Commission for the Introduction of Office work in the Kazakh language». There are 3 main reasons for choosing the newspaper «Enbekshi Kazak» («Labor Kirghiz») as a research field: 1) the fact that «Enbekshi Kazak» («Labor Kirghiz») was the first official Kazakh-language State newspaper in Soviet Kazakhstan; 2) In the chronological period within the newspaper’s article (1923-1926) publication in the Kazakh alphabet based on Arabic graphics (this is also due to the fact that the information of periodicals, the value of which is not inferior to archival data, is poorly used by researchers due to the specifics of the graphics); 3)Щon the example of the work «Central Commission for the introduction of office management in the Kazakh language» in the 20-30s of the XX century control over the publication of important state affairs on the pages of periodicals and the formation of historical and factual potential over time. Another highlight of the newspaper is its polemical role. Key words: «Enbekshi kazak» («Labor Kirghiz»), KСЕС, kazakh language, record mangement, national question, mass media.